Our Kick Off was a Great Success
On Thursday, July 10th, the 2008 walk Kick Off was held at the state of the art CBS 3/The CW Philly 57 studio, with 150 team captains, and their families and friends in attendance.
CBS 3 evening news anchors, Susan Barnett and Chris May graciously hosted the event, while Michael Colleran, President and General Manager of CBS 3 and the CW Philly 57, and Marciarose Shestack, pioneering broadcast journalist shared their personal connections to autism, and the importance of supporting autism research through the walk program. Our Walk Chair, Stacey Fliegelman, joined this group on stage, and led us through the evening’s main program with humor and enthusiasm.
The evening was an opportunity for many of our returning teams to share successful tips and stories with so many of the new teams in attendance…can you believe that we have 200 new teams registered this year? We were grateful to have the opportunity to catch up with old friends, and to celebrate with our new ones!

Everyone that attended received a team captain’s folder with a multitude of fundraising and awareness-related tools. If you would like to receive a packet, please email philadelphia@autismspeaks.org.
We would like to thank our 2008 Walk Committee for making the event a success from the planning stages through to clean-up! Thank you for your tireless hours of dedication, and hard work.
The Walk is Shaping Up
Thanks to all of you, our walk totals are growing each day…here’s where we are today:
We have 374 teams, and 95 individual walkers signed up. To register now, visit
www.walknowforautism.org/philadelphia. It just takes 2 minutes to get signed up! If you need assistance, please call (856) 858-5400.
We have raised $172,214. Our goal is to surpass the $1 million mark this year. Remember, you can use the walk website as a fundraising tool. Send an email to everyone you know from your personal headquarters, and ask them to support you with a $5, $10, $25, or $100 donation. If you ask 20 people for a $25 donation, you’ll raise $500 in no time! Remember to personalize your page…let them know why you support the walk, and help to spread autism awareness.
The Walk Route Has Changed
Look out for a new and improved event set-up this year! We have changed the direction of the walk route slightly to make it more enjoyable and efficient and have moved registration and tee-shirts closer to the main stage and walk start area for convenience.
The walk route is 1 mile, and in addition to the usual parking lot route, it will partially wrap around the stadium, and will finish inside the stadium at the 1st base gate. This will directly lead you to all of our Resource Fair Vendors, children’s entertainers, and moon bounces on the concourse level. We will include further event instructions, and a map of the stadium/walk route in our next email blast. Please call (856) 858-5400, or email philadelphia@autismspeaks.org for more details.
Calling All Service Providers
We’re looking for local autism service providers to participate in our Community Resource Fair at the walk. This is an amazing opportunity for you to share your services with the thousands of families in attendance. For more information or a registration form, please email philadelphia@autismspeaks.org, or call (856) 858-5400.
Do You Have an Uplifting and Interesting Story to Share?
We are looking for new stories to share with the media as we draw closer to our walk. If you have an interesting experience to share, or have a great walk-related success story, please contact us. Email Philadelphia@autismspeaks.org, or call (856) 858-5400.
Team Wrap-Around Corner
As many of you know, team wrap-around events are a successful and fun way for you to fundraise for your team. Here’s what some of our teams have done successfully:
Eleni’s Entourage held a reception and silent auction at the Concordville Inn to fundraise for their walk team, as well as the Timothy School. The event was attended by hundreds!
Kidz for a Kure held a lemonade stand in Chestnut Hill this past weekend, and raised nearly $300 in just a couple of hours!
JEVS-CLHS has been quite successful in its bake sale and iced tea stand sales. The team has raised nearly $200 from these efforts alone! They’re also selling soft pretzels and puzzle pieces!
Walking for Genavieve continues their successful fundraising events. After completing a wonderful jazz festival at the Stockton Inn, they held a birthday party at their home and instead of gifts for their daughter, asked for donations, and now they’re planning a community coin drop and Tastefully Simple event. They’ve raised nearly $3,600!
All 4 Luca recently held an event at their salon, Shaving Grace, where men were encouraged to shave their heads! Proceeds from each hair cut benefited their team. The event was broadcast live on The Big Talker 1210 AM with Michael Smerconish. They raised $2,450!
Dever’s Diamonds brought puzzle pieces to their local bank, and asked them to sell them to customers for $1. The bank agreed, and even started them off with a generous donation!
Community Grants Cycle
We are once again seeking proposals to fund projects to enhance the lives of those affected by autism spectrum disorders. Proposals for these Family Services grants are sought in the following areas: recreation/community activities, education, equipment/support technology, or young adult/adult services, educators, trainers, and service providers who work with individuals with autism are invited to apply. Applications are due by September 26, 2008 at 11:59 pm. Since the inception of Autism Speaks’ Family Services Community Grant Program in December 2007, over $1 million has been awarded to 50 community programs across the nation. For more information, please visit
Upcoming Community EventsMonday, August 4, 2008
Join the Wilmington Blue Rocks at Frawley Stadium to Strike Out Autism. Bring your family and friends out to the ballpark for an action packed baseball game and enjoy the fun, family atmosphere of Blue Rocks baseball while helping our cause.
$2 of every ticket sold will be donated back to Autism Speaks, provided you use the attached form to order tickets. The ceremonial 1st pitch will be thrown by an Autism Speaks Foundation representative/guest! There will be a Silent Auction during the game featuring autographed items, ticket, luxury suites and much more. Blue Rocks T-shirts will be given to the first 1,000 fans (Courtesy of AT&T Mobility). Visit this link for the order form that can be faxed or mailed to the Blue Rocks.
Thanks for your support! Please let us know if you need anything, and remember to check
www.autismspeaks.org/philadelphia for more details.