Day One 1: Went off without a hitch. As you can see from the chart, there are alot of ways he could go with his day, but for a Monday, this is stellar. Usually it takes William until Tuesday or Wednesday to get back into the swing of things at school. He is usually still wired and fired up from the weekend and it takes him a day or two to cool it down to focus in school. It is great that he didn't get marked for any thing but a good day. Usually his marks include not following directions or not listening (which I feel is common for a kid diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD, but what do I know). The fact that neither of these was checked on a Monday is clearly saying something. Lunch was served with a salad with extra virgin olive oil dressing, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, chia seeds and walnuts. He didn't eat the walnuts, but he ate everything else, including the pineapple and gluten free popcorn. He always drinks water, and nothing but water so he was happy.

Tomorrow's another day, so we shall see how he does with my next creation (gluten-free vegan pizza!) I hope by the end of this experiment to compile kid friendly lunch box recipes to share with everyone. Seems like that is really missing in the GFV world. Most recipes aren't kid tested first and don't look that appealing in my opinion. This will be a stapler when I can't find anything else to do.
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