After many months of pain and struggle with school district personnel, I have returned. My son is in a better place and it only took 6 months for this to happen. I know unbelievable. I swear, this system they have going is set-up for the parent to literally fail unless they are persistent, read the rules, and remind the school district personnel about them or those people will lie to your face. I've gone to libraries, researched on the internet and dove my life into the task of finding a proper preschool for my son and I swear I had to be a part-time lawyer for atleast 3 meetings. I had meetings with at least 10 people at one IEP meeting and they presented me with 33 separate goals where we had to go through each and everyone of them to determine if they were ok. Most were, but we didn't even have enough time to go through them all. AND we disagreed on placement. I had a speech therapist tell me he didn't have a speech problem but she was just throwing 30 minutes in there a week so he could just keep up. I kept my cool and just did all the research all could in order to get my son into a full time autistic support class room with OT, Speech and ABA therapy. Hope to hear about your experiences with IEP meetings. I would love to change the horrible format they have going on here.
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